
Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

It’s been a while since Husby and I have been at a craft show.  They seem few and far between now days, and I hope that changes.

However, last weekend I showed my wares at the Cannon Falls Wine and Art Festival and we had a blast.  The attendance was phenomenal, much to the delight of all food and artisan vendors.  The weather was more wonderful than could have been expected (low 80s F and wonderful breeze!) for the third week in July in Minnesota.

Whenever I show my wares at a craft show I demand my roadie participate in certain activities.  Mostly dancing.  I was so happy to listen to the music of The Northside Dukes at this festival.  Husby (aka roadie) and I have enjoyed their music for over a decade, and have become friends with the band members, mostly because we know the moves to Hand Jive.

There was a guy taking a video of me and Husby doing the Hand Jive with band, but I didn’t catch him to request a copy.  It may be out there in cyberworld somewhere.  However, the organizer of the event caught Husby and me dancing by our booth to some other song. We can’t help ourselves when it comes to The Northside Dukes.


Thank you Cannon Falls for hosting a most wonderful event.  Thank you Auntie B’s Wax fans for supporting my business.  And thank you, Northside Dukes, for bringing jives to my hands.


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It’s a busy, busy time. I’ve been pouring and gluing and cutting and beading.  Usually I’m busy like this a lot earlier in the season, but this year my first show is this weekend, about a month later than usual.  I skipped a festival or two in June, but that’s another blog post.

Right now I have my sights set on the Cannon Falls Wine and Art Festival.  I’ve shown at this festival for three years and historically it’s been lucrative and a whole lot of fun.  From a vendor’s point of view the event is impeccably organized, and from an attendee’s point of view it’s a relaxing day filled with wine tastings, food, music, and of course the wares of dozens (and dozens!) of artisans.

Also historically, this coming weekend is one of the hottest of the year. We’re anticipating temperatures in the 90s (that’s Fahrenheit), with the added excitement of a chance of hot summer rain/storm. No matter, a festival is a festival (defined as gaiety, revelry, merrymaking) despite what Mother Nature decides to dish out. Party on!

Just because I’ve been dialing it back on the shows this year don’t get the idea that I’m losing interest. Never! It’s just that I’ve got a few things going on this year that are taking up my energy and attention, things of which I’ll probably discuss in future posts. It’s a time of change at the Auntie B’s Wax World Headquarters, as well as a time for new adventures. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you’re anywhere within a 100-mile radius of Cannon Falls, Minnesota come to the Cannon Falls Wine & Art Festival on July 18-19. You’ll have a blast!

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So here’s the thing.  I’m having a little fit of pique these days and it’s frustrating me to no end.  I can’t seem to motivate myself to do anything more than the bare basics of survival.  You know, eating, some sleeping (not enough, of course), keeping my abode clear of dust bunnies, and earning a living.  My writing has come to a standstill, and that’s even counting e-mails to people, commenting on blogs I might have time to read, and responding to comments on my blog, much less blogging or writing for pure pleasure.  It’s a disgrace and I feel like Dobby, wanting to beat myself about the head and neck for not living up to my potential.

Dobby is not living up to his potential. Dobby must punish himself!

What can lift me up?  I know ~ this weekend I’ll be at the Cannon Falls Wine and Art Festival showing my wares.  I’m really looking forward to it, and I have a lot of candles, drink charms and magnets to show the world.  And don’t even doubt the whole world will be there.  It’s a great show with a ton of artists and a whole bunch of local wineries offering samples of their delicious wines.  I even got a haircut for the event!

Hannah’s Bend Park during the Cannon Falls Wine and Art Festival. So much fun!

I’m looking forward to hobnobbing with customers and fellow vendors, eating some good food and listening to music.  I’ll go into the weekend with a spectacular attitude that will ground me into my crafty business.  When that happens everything else seems to fall into place.  Who wouldn’t be energized by a weekend in a beautiful park by the river, meandering along a path of lovely artwork and delightful wines?  Plus, I know spending some time close up with my products and the people who enjoy them (and will hopefully buy them) will give me a boost of energy to push me out of my funk.  I’ll have more energy than I’ve had in a while and will be free once again ~ I’ll feel like Dobby, getting his sock to freedom.


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What’s going on out there?  I’ve been so into my own thing these last few weeks I’ve inadvertently cut myself off from the outside world.  Except not really.  I’ve been out to a couple of winery festivals which put me in contact with a very specific cross-section of society.  Those winos have their own little subculture going you know.  They’re my kind of people.

A couple of weeks ago I was at the first ever Dancing Dragonfly Winery Grape Stomp and Rib Fest.  There were ribs, there was stomping, and there was even some music along with the artisans selling their wares.

It was a blustery weekend; perfect for some nicely seasoned ribs, or a highly stacked pulled pork sandwich.

Some of the staff at Dancing Dragonfly took to the grapes and did a little stomping. The lady at the far end is one of the owners of the winery. I don’t think she expected the stomping experience to be so…invigorating.

A fun group of guys playing winey music.

Last weekend I was at the Chateau St. Croix for another wine festival.  This year they had lots more food than they’ve had in the past, as well as a very good selection of artisans to peruse while sipping a glass of vino.  Of course they had music.  Everything from a thirty-five-piece German oompa band to some low-down blues.

The Bavarian Musik Meisters presented me with a pin for being such a good sport. I participated in learning a couple of their dances and showed dozens of people how uncoordinated I really am.

Croix Daddy – getting better and better every year.

There’s a clear shot between my craft canopy and the wine tent at the Chateau, and Dave over there is always ready to pour me a nice glass of wine.  A nice glass.  As in big.  It’s good wine too.

No, that’s not me chatting it up with Dave, but it looks like he’s ready to give her a nice glass of wine too.

I’m still trying recuperate from all the activity. One person can take only so much fun, right?

There’s another show on the horizon. I’m heading to Deer River for some more fun at Ruttger’s Oktoberfest in a few weeks. There’s no rest for the wicked.

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There’s a little break in my Wordless Wednesday tradition today.  In fact, I’m writing this on Tuesday night because, well, I just have to.

Things went fairly well at the Dancing Dragonfly Winery last weekend.  For a first time event and considering the fact that it started to rain pretty heavily on Saturday evening it was, as a whole, a good experience.  I made a little money too!  As you might know, I have another winery show coming up this coming weekend (Chateau St. Croix) and I’m doing my best to get restocked to full capacity this week.  I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to do it.

This evening I took a little time out to play some tennis with Charlotte, which was a very good thing because as it turns out I was completely depleted of endorphins.  The minute I pulled into the parking lot of the courts I saw a mist of rain on my windshield.  What?!  No way!  We decided to play anyway, at least until the balls were in danger of getting too wet.  Turns out we got in about forty-two minutes of play before the mist turned into actual rain.  I got some endorphins, which was a very good thing.  I hope Charlotte did too.

But there’s the issue of my hair.  I’m about a month past due on my quarterly hair cut, but had an appointment for tomorrow (Wednesday).  I found out tonight (Tuesday) that my stylist just went into the hospital with a nasty case of an infection and bursitis riddled arm.  I’m really sorry for her and hope she gets better, but I can’t help feeling very sorry for myself too.  I mean, my hair.  It’s enormous.  I was hoping for a very cute cut in time for the show this coming weekend (I made do last weekend because she couldn’t get me in last week) but it looks like that’s not going to happen.  Unless I go to someone else.

How horrible would that be?  I’ve been putting my hair in the hands of this woman for over twenty years.  I feel like I’d be cheating on her.  But my hair.  It’s enormous.  I can’t emphasize that enough.  Tomorrow I’ll know more regarding her condition and will have to make a decision then.  She may be back to work soon, but there’s the thing about her sculpting my hair while feeling less than 100%.  Would she be able to work her usual magic, or will my locks suffer?  The stress of the situation is nearly unbearable.

I’m trying to relax, listening to my twinkle bell station on Pandora, and sorting everything out through writing.  So much for Wordless Wednesday.

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